Arriva l'inverno e arriva un mio piccolo cosplay: la fata dell'inverno.

Bianca e candida come la neve e con le ali che brillano! ^^

Semplice ma carina no? Peccato che non ha ancora nevicato per fare le foto in un ambientazione più consona, ma visto che non amo troppo il freddo direi che va bene anche così! XD

E per l'inverno direi che è anche abbastanza azzeccata no?

E già che ci sono ne approfitto per augurare a tutti voi un Buon Natale!
Winter is coming and with it comes a my little Cosplay: the winter fairy.
White and candid as the snow and with wings that shine! ^^
Simple but nice she is not? Too bad it did not snowed for take pictures in a more appropriate setting, but since I do not like the cold too, I would say that is just as well! XD
And for the winter I would say that she is also quite apt not?
And while I am there I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
White and candid as the snow and with wings that shine! ^^
Simple but nice she is not? Too bad it did not snowed for take pictures in a more appropriate setting, but since I do not like the cold too, I would say that is just as well! XD
And for the winter I would say that she is also quite apt not?
And while I am there I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
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